Tuesday, March 22, 2016
"I've learned that one can never go back, that one should not ever try to go back. The essence of life is going forward. Life is really a one way street." (Miss Marple) "The thing is, we can't change the past; we can only learn from it. Nothing good comes of letting your heart be divided - part sitting in the past, part here , part in the future. We need to approach life with a whole heart." (Vonette Bright and Nancy Moser) "my life has become a dark moment. I can't see my way past it.(Linda Nichols)
Each of these people are talking about grief. Grief is sorrow, anguish, pain and depression. Grief is also anxiety, confusion, dismay, apathy, disappointment, resentment, inadequacy, fear, loss, sadness loneliness, ."helplessness, abandonment. It affects health by making me very tired, tense, have
stomach aches, difficulty sleeping, nightmares. The most embarrassing thing for me was forgetfulness. The doctor said that half my brain was keeping me from crying, etc., and the other half was listening to whomever I was talking too. Also any time I pushed myself I got a terrible headache. Again my half brain was just getting tired. There is no way around grief. We must allow ourselves to grieve. We must also not allow others to make us feel less because we are suffering the effects of grieving. Remember that God is always with us and He understands our suffering and pain. Psalm 146"9 "He relieves the fatherless and widows." We will never forget but grief will eventually become easier to handle.
Monday, March 21, 2016
Great Joy
I think the place to start is to find out, for sure, where my husband is
now. C. S. Lewis said, "so they lived in great joy and if ever they remembered their life in this world it was only as one remembers a dream."
My husband is living in great joy. How do I know? The Bible says, "For all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God" and it also gives the result of that sin. "For the wages of sin is death". We are in an impossible position. We cannot be good enough not to sin and the result of sin is death. And then Jesus came, was born a perfect man and died , not for His sins but for ours. "The Gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." My husband had accepted God's Gift of forgiveness of sins and eternal life. He lives forever in heaven in great joy.
Friday, March 4, 2016
Life as a Widow
I'm going to change the focus of my blog to the subject of widowhood. Tea Cups and Candles are like comfort-food to the widow. I can only speak of my experience as a widow. Other women have different experiences but for me this is what it was like. I had to close down his business, sell all the vehicles (just barely saving my car), sell my home, getting rid of most of my things, move, doing all this trying to remain stoic, managing everything myself. My one son helped tremendously with all this as it was the hardest part for me. The Memorial Service went very well and each of my children and grandchildren that wanted to had a part. Marvin was cremated so there wasn't
a burial plot. All this was difficult but not nearly as difficult as life to come.
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