Tuesday, March 22, 2016


"I've learned that one can never go back, that one should not ever try to go back. The essence of life is going forward. Life is really a one way street." (Miss Marple) "The thing is, we can't change the past; we can only learn from it. Nothing good comes of letting your heart be divided - part sitting in the past, part here , part in the future. We need to approach life with a whole heart." (Vonette Bright and Nancy Moser) "my life has become a dark moment. I can't see my way past it.(Linda Nichols) Each of these people are talking about grief. Grief is sorrow, anguish, pain and depression. Grief is also anxiety, confusion, dismay, apathy, disappointment, resentment, inadequacy, fear, loss, sadness loneliness, ."helplessness, abandonment. It affects health by making me very tired, tense, have stomach aches, difficulty sleeping, nightmares. The most embarrassing thing for me was forgetfulness. The doctor said that half my brain was keeping me from crying, etc., and the other half was listening to whomever I was talking too. Also any time I pushed myself I got a terrible headache. Again my half brain was just getting tired. There is no way around grief. We must allow ourselves to grieve. We must also not allow others to make us feel less because we are suffering the effects of grieving. Remember that God is always with us and He understands our suffering and pain. Psalm 146"9 "He relieves the fatherless and widows." We will never forget but grief will eventually become easier to handle.

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